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Covid 19 Statement

At Blooming Flora we appreciate the risk of Covid 19 and the devastation it is causing. We commit to play our part.


At Blooming Flora we will, follow the guidelines of Local Government and expert bodies such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), Public Health England, Construction Leadership Council and NHS recommendations must be adopted. 


Blooming Flora will follow the current UK controls and we have added some additional 'common sense' activities, such as :


HANDS – In between customer visits we will adopt stringent hygiene proportions and wash hands regularly for a minimum of 20 seconds in hot soapy water

HANDS - We will carry hand sanitiser and when we come into contact with customer interfaces such as gates, tools etc. we will use it! 


FACE – Where we are in close proximity with our customers we will wear a face covering. Seldom will we need to be inside a customer's home or premises. Your garden and our entire work area are generally always outdoors. 


SPACE – We commit to stay 2 metres apart from our customers and our fellow workers during any customer interaction or work place activity. Should other trades be on site at the same time as ourselves, we will provide them with the same 2 metre distancing. 

SPACE - Most Blooming Flora activities are 'single-person-working' . Where two or multiple Blooming Flora workers or representatives are on site at the same time, we will work two metres apart, not use public transport and travel independently to the place of work.


Where practical, we will provide payment details with our customers to allow electronic payment via bank transfer to eliminate the need for cash payments. 


Could we politely request that our customers follow the same high standards to protect Blooming Flora workers and representatives.


If, in the unlikely event that social distancing cannot be maintained, we will cease work and return once distances can be guaranteed. Blooming Flora workers and representatives will always respect your views on Covid-19 and recommendations for halting its spread. 


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