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Privacy Policy


At Blooming Flora we ensure your privacy, personal data and security, are of the highest importance to us.


When you agree to place an order or instruction for us to work with you, you are entering a contract with us. We pledge to keep formal data collected to an absolute minimum.  We usually limit the retention of any data to, your name, address and telephone number along with details of customer interactions, work carried out and payments invoiced and received.


Data stored is limited to telephone contacts, diaries and a simple Blooming Flora Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. Suitable firewall and virus protection protects our tablets and PCs.


Blooming Flora are committed to appraising how we use your personal data and acknowledge the trust you have placed on us in sharing this information. We will respect and protect your personal details at all times. We pledge to be 100% transparent about what we do with it, in accordance with your reasonable expectations and applicable laws and regulations.


We will only maintain customer's personal information whilst we are 'providing services' to you. 


We will never share your personal data with any third party without your express permission.


We will never hold any financial data such as bank account details for any customer. Those details for suppliers and supply chain will only be maintained where regular transactions persist.


We do not record and customer activity or use any drones or CCTV. Where we may wish to use photos of work we have undertaken and completed, we will will only do so with your consent and agreement.


We do not use our customers data for any marketing campaigns.


Where potential employees able to be part of the Blooming Flora Team, we will only keep records for successful applicants and those who may be of future interest to us in the future. 


We will actively provide you information we hold on you personally if requested. 

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